Iann Akoulouze's Portfolio

Passionate Engineer Eager to Create Solutions!

Project Gallery

Light Detection
Light Detection Project

Light Detection

This was a project I completed for my Intro to Electrical Engineering class. It was my first ever project at UTSA and through the completion of this venture I learned a lot of invaluable assets and skills such as project management & troubleshooting electronics.

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7 Segment Display
7 Segment Display Project

7 Segment Display

This was a project I completed for my Logic Design class. This project was very interesting and pleasant as I got to program a 7 segment display, a simple device that is utilized in various application in our everyday life such as a microwave or clock.

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LED Blink Delay
LED Blink Delay

LED Blink Delay

In this lab we learned how to use built-in timers to delay/stop the blinking the blinking of an led through the use of assembly code.

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Buzz Wire Game
Buzz Wire Game Project

Buzz Wire Game

This was a project I completed for an introductory freshman class that focused on career exploration. In this project I decided to use a simple fun game that easily demonstrates and conveys the basic principles of electricity and how a closed loop circuit works.

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Portfolio #1

Portfolio #1

This is one of my earlier portfolio website I built with intent of showcasing my projects. There is still a lot of room for improvement however I cherish this website due to the fact this was my first big milestone in my long and continous journey of self-taught web development.

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Portfolio #2

Portfolio #2

This is one of my more recent portfolio websites. I love this website so much because due to my incremental progress in regards to web development, I was able to showcase more of my artistic side within this website.

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